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Предлагаю несколько рабочих вариантов - заменяйте названия компании и должности и отказ готов.



I would like to thank you for recently applying for the Название_Вакансии opening at Название_Компании. We received close to Количество_Резюме applications and have now conducted several interviews. While we were impressed with your qualifications, I regret to inform you we have decided to select another candidate who we believe best matches what we are looking for in the position.

We will be glad to keep your resume on file in case we become aware of any other appropriate positions in the near future. I would also encourage you to visit our website as new positions become available. Thank you again for your interest and good luck in all your future endeavors!



Thank you for your interest in Название_Компании and the position of Название_Вакансии. We received many applications from very potential candidates and the position has now been filled. Thank you for considering Название_Компании as an employer, we hope to hear from you again when we have suitable job openings.

Have a nice Autumn!

Best regards, Название_Компании


Dear applicant,

We thank you for your application and interest to the position Название_Вакансии at Название_Компании.

We are sorry that our recruitment process was delayed and we have not informed you earlier.

The position attracted a lot of interest and we received a large number of high quality applications, and regret to inform you that this time we decided to engage with another candidate.

We thank you for your interest and wish the best to your career!

Best regards,




Thank you for your application.

We have made our decision. Unfortunately you were not chosen this time.
We wish you a successful future and thank you for your interest towards Название_Компании.

Best regards,
Название_Компании Human Resources


Thank you for your interest in the Название_Вакансии position at Название_Компании.
At this time our choice wasn’t you.

All the best for you!




Dear Candidate,

thank you for your interest in Название_Компании.

We received over 100 high quality applications and have proceeded now with the interviews. Unfortunately you were not among the selected ones this time.

However, if possible, we would like to keep your CV for potential future need in our company. Please keep us in mind and have a look once in a while at our Careers-pages at www.Название_Компании.com or at our LinkedIn page.

With kind regards,

Название_Компании Human Resources


Dear Name_of_Applicant. We would like to thank you for your interest in the recruitment for this position. We have now reached a point where we would like to inform you of the status.

We have scanned the market parallel to assessing received applications and have now called a number of candidates for interviews. Unfortunately you are not one of them, therefore we shall not be pursuing your application. Although we do not have a position to offer you today, we find your profile interesting and would like to keep your CV in our database in case of future assignments that might suit your skills. All information concerning you will, of course, be handled confidentially.

If you do not wish to be a part of our database or would like to update your CV, please contact us as soon as possible. You reach us via e-mail at: email_address@Название_Компании.com

If you have any questions you are welcome to contact me.

Kind regards,


Dear Applicant,

We would like to say warm thank you for your interest to be part of our Название_Компании team as a Название_Вакансии.

We received many good applications for this open position. We have now selected the candidates with whom we will continue to the next phase of our recruitment process. This time you were not chosen.

Even though our paths didn’t cross this time, we want to invite you to follow our company and our future job opportunities. You may review our open jobs and also follow us in LinkedIn and Twitter to get the latest updates!

We wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

Best Regards, Название_Компании Recruitment


Hi! You have applied for the Название_Вакансии vacancy. We have made our selection and unfortunately you weren't chosen for the position this time. I hope that you still keep Название_Компании in mind when it comes to job search.

Have a good summer !

BR, Название_Компании recruitment team


Dear Имя_Соискателя ,

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your application for the position of Название_Позиции, as well as the interest in Название_Компании as an employer.

We have carefully reviewed your profile and experience, however, after significant consideration we have decided on this occasion to continue with other candidates, who we think are a closer fit to the profile we’re currently looking for.

However, your profile remains of interest to us. We encourage you to apply for any future vacancies and to keep an eye on our career page.

We want to thank you for your time and interest in Название_Компании and wish you the best of luck in all your future endeavors!

Kind regards,

Название_Компании HR


Hi JobCandidate,

Thank you for your interest in OurCompany!

We received an overwhelming response to the NameOfPosition position, which makes us feel both humble and proud that so many talented individuals (like you!) want to join our team. This volume of response makes for an extremely competitive selection process. Although your background is impressive, we regret to inform you that we have decided to pursue other candidates for the position at this time.

Just as we at OurCompany value our customers, we value our job candidates and invite you to review future job openings. We hope you see another position that sparks your interest!

Best wishes,

Name Surname
Talent Acquisition Specialist

Вам отказали и Вы хотите что-то ответить

Сперва предлагаю обдумать, нужно ли Вам это. Если отказ был формальным, т.е. отправлен незнакомым Вам HR-ром, то, возможно, не стоит отнимать его время.

Отвечать стоит, если Вам отказал кто-то знакомый, либо Вы подавали заявку не через формальный канал, а напрямую, напримре, через email потенциального руководителя.

Существует и альтернативное мнение, состоящее в том, что грамотно ответив на отказ Вы демонстируете свой профессионализм.

Истина, как мне кажется, лежит где-то посередине. Половина рекрутёров оценит Ваш ответ. А половину он только огорчит, как ещё один ненужный email.

Мой совет - Listen to your heart.

Примеры ответов на отказ


Hello Имя_Рекрутёра,

Thanks for letting me know about your decision.

While I’ll admit that I’m disappointed I won’t be able to work as part of the Название_Компании team, it truly was great to meet you and learn more about the great work that you’re doing.

I’m excited to keep following Название_Компании as the team Название_Проекта_Или_Цели_Компании, and I’ll keep an especially close eye on Название_Проекта_Который_Вы_Обсуждали.

Thanks once again for the opportunity, to apply for Название_Вакансии, and I hope our paths cross again in the future. I’m wishing you and Название_Компании all the best moving forward.

Best wishes, Ваше_Имя

Изображение баннера

Отказать работадателю

Если Вы устроились в другую компанию

Dear Mr./Ms. [Фамилия_Менеджера],

Thank you very much for offering me the role of [Название_Позиции] with [Название_Компании].

Though it was a difficult decision, I have accepted a position with another company.

I sincerely enjoyed our conversations and very much appreciate your taking time to interview me over the course of the past few weeks.

Again, thank you for your time and consideration; best wishes in your continued success, and I hope our paths cross again in the future.


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